Academic Interventions

Problematic student behavior isn’t the only challenge faced by students. Obviously, one of our primary purposes as educators is to teach our students. And for some of them, our typical core instruction simply isn’t enough.

In these cases, we need highly effective academic interventions and instructional strategies to support our struggling learners.

On this page, you will eventually find all of Limened’s resources for academic intervention. However, that content will be developed at a later date. In the meantime, I don’t want to leave you hanging, so here are some trusted resources that provide detailed guidance and information for evidence-based academic interventions.

National Center on Intensive Intervention

The National Center for Intensive Intervention includes tools, training modules, and other resources (e.g., sample literacy lessons) for intensive intervention in literacy, math, and behavior with an emphasis on data-based decision-making and individualization.

IRIS Center

screenshot of IRIS Center homepage
The IRIS Center has free training modules, briefs, videos, interviews, case studies, and other resources for a wide variety of instructional needs from addressing math & literacy to behavior to special populations of students and beyond. Their resource locator is a great starting place for finding evidence-based instructional and behavioral resources for nearly any need.

Teaching LD

TeachingLD is the Council for Exceptional Children Division for Learning Disabilities website, which includes current practice alerts and other strategy guides that include detailed overviews for a variety of academic interventions and instructional practices. Similar to Limened, current practice alerts provide an evidence rating for each practice in two categories (Use caution, or Go for it).
thumbnail of brain-based learning current practice alert
Brain-based Learning
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Direct Instruction
Current Practice Alert
Direct Instruction
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies Current Practice Alert
Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Reading Recovery Current Practice Alert
Reading Recovery
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Effective Practices for Homework Hotsheet
Effective Practices for Homework Hotsheet
thumbnail of Schema-based Instruction Teaching Tutorial
Schema-based Instruction
Teaching Tutorial
Thumb of classwide peer tutoring current practice alert
Classwide Peer Tutoring
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of  Explicit Instruction
in Mathematics Current Practice Alert
Explicit Instruction
in Mathematics
thumbnail of Peer-Mediated Instruction Current Practice Alert
Peer-Mediated Instruction
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Self-Determined Learning Model Current Practice Alert
Self-Determined Learning Model
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of  Effective Practices for Written Expression Hotsheet
Effective Practices for Written Expression Hotsheet
thumbnail of Co-teaching Current Practice Alert
Co-teaching (updated)
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Cognitive Strategy Instruction
Current Practice Alert
Cognitive Strategy Instruction
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Fluency Instruction Current Practice Alert
Fluency Instruction
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Phonics Instruction Current Practice Alert
Phonics Instruction
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Self-Regulated Strategy Development Current Practice Alert
Self-Regulated Strategy Development
thumbnail of Decoding Instruction Teaching Tutorial
Decoding Instruction
Teaching Tutorial
thumbnail of Learning Styles Current Practice Alert
Learning Styles
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Content Enhancement Routines
Current Practice Alert
Content Enhancement Routines
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Graphic Organizers Current Practice Alert
Graphic Organizers
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Phonological Awareness Current Practice Alert
Phonological Awareness
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Strategy Instruction that Primes the Problem Structure Current Practice Alert
Strategy Instruction that Primes the Problem Structure
thumbnail of CBM Maze Progress Monitoring Teaching Tutorial
CBM Maze Progress Monitoring Tutorial
thumbnail of Cooperative Learning Current Practice Alert
Cooperative Learning
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of  Mnemonic Instruction Current Practice Alert
Mnemonic Instruction
Current Practice Alert
thumb of Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction Current Practice Alert
Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction
thumbnail of Vocabulary Instruction Current Practice Alert
Vocabulary Instruction
Current Practice Alert
thumbnail of Repeated Readings
Teaching Tutorial
Repeated Readings
Teaching Tutorial

What Works Clearinghouse

What Works Clearinghouse homepage screenshot
The What Works Clearinghouse reviews the quality of evidence for educational programs and practices to identify what actually works in schools to address various needs. Their practice guides, created by expert panels, are an excellent resource for educators that include evidence-based recommendations for challenges commonly faced in schools across a variety of content areas and other needs.